This is the coolest thing. I discovered the free applications DragonDictate and Evernote work well together for taking making journal entries on the iPad. That is, making journal entries from an office where I’m the only one in the room. I simply use DragonDictate to talk to my iPad. I dictate one paragraph at a time. For my journal, I’m not that worried about whether the dictation is 100% correct. For blog posts, like this one, I proofread the text as I dictate. I did find it helpful to have experience using DragonDictate on my Mac. Mostly because I knew how to dictate effectively into the device. Once I finish dictating using DragonDictate, I simply copy the entire text and paste into a new note using Evernote. Evernote automatically synchronizes my journal to all the other machines that I have Evernote installed on. So I don’t need to worry about losing any information. The brilliance of the solution, is that both DragonDictate for the iPad and Evernote are free applications.
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