Reclaim hosting review

[Update – Sept 16, 2014 – Reclaim Hosting has changed their automated backups to use a different server, such that your backups are no longer counted in your quota! This is an example of the awesome level of customer support they provide – although I still say, if you are using a lot of photos, you want to consider hosting them on a site that specialized in photo hosting!]

I decided to try out Reclaim Hosting for my BC Becky blog. I felt that I could not adequately critize without having actively tried out the experience. There is a lot hype about Reclaim Hosting and a Domain of One’s Own within the Ed Tech community. It was Jim Groom’s keynote at the MRI conference that inspired me to have my students create their own website/blog as part of the course I was teaching. I believe the ability to create content on the Internet is an important digital literacy, so even if my students never use the website or blog that they created, they at least now know how they can do it.

I have been a critic of Domain of One’s Own because I don’t think creating a website and managing it is as simple as the hype makes it sound. But, to be fair, I had not used Reclaim Hosting or tried it when I wrote the original post. Now I have.

First, I would like to say, they provide excellent support. Whenever I had a problem, at any time of day, I got an email response often within the hour. I’ve rarely seen that type of turn-around for support (except with Bookends by SonnySoftware – the developer there is awesome too).

I happily blogged away on BC Becky since June 16th, often writing multiple posts in a day. Given the nature of my blog (about the breast cancer patient experience), I also include a lot of photos. I choose to do what any non-techy new blogger would do (intentionally), I dragged and dropped my photos directly onto the WordPress blog. It worked brilliantly until about August, when I started getting errors. My automated backups were failing because I didn’t have enough disk space. When I enquired about this, the support I got was not what I expected. I was told I could go in cpanel and delete and older backup, and that I could pay an extra $20/year to get more disk space. The default is 1GB, which when you include two full site backups, means you have effectively about 300MB for blog content before you start to run into errors. Personally, I think this is a little small given the types of projects students are encouraged to do. I suspect that after a single semester students will run into this same problem. 1.5 or 2GB would be a better “default”.

Part of the issue is that when you drag-and-drop a photo into WordPress, by default it recreates your four or five versions of your photo in multiple sizes. This makes it easy for you to include the right size in your post, and link to the full size image, but it also quickly uses up your limited disk space.

The price of the domain is already $25/yr, which seems high to me, but then my other domains have already outgrown minimalist hosting services. The option to go to $45/year isn’t the best choice for me. So, my alternative for now is to remove all the photos from my BCBecky site, and place them in Smugmug, which is a service similar to Flickr, that we already use and pay for (we have used Smugmug since our 2008 bike tour for our GoingEast Blog). Once I’ve done this – it will take several hours of going through each post and replacing the photos with embedded links from Smugmug – I shall see if my site is small enough to get the automated backups to work. If that isn’t the case, then I’ll be looking at moving away from Reclaim onto one of my other host providers – because $45/year is just too much extra given I’m already hosting other domains.

I am writing this in part as a word of caution to those using Reclaim (or any hosting service with 1GB of space). If you like to include pictures in your posts (or video), you should consider immediately using something like Flickr or Smugmug for your photos. You can get free accounts there to host your photos, which will then allow you to stay within the 1GB allocation on your blogging platform of choice.  If you host a lot of professional quality photos, you’ll want their professional services anyways (like the ability to sell photos).

My general option of Reclaim Hosting is it is a great place to get started. They made it really easy to get something up and running quickly, and they provided great user support. However, I think if you are going to do anything long term, you need a to plan for growth, and there are strategies you can enable early on to make that growth less painful. I don’t think there is enough education in that area. The answer from support should not immediately be “pay for more disk space”, because that is a very short-term solution to the problem. Had I made that choice, I would run out of disk space again within the next six months and still would not have a good strategy for embedding photos in my blog.

7 responses

  1. […] for someone like me (work that doesn’t fire up my interest) and so I was interested to read Rebecca Hogue’s post about her experience and the difficulties she […]

  2. […] just came across this review of reclaim. As it happens the author has also written on why you shouldn’t do DBR which could […]

  3. Jim Groom (@jimgroom) Avatar

    After experimenting with Reclaim, do you think having students managing their own web hosting and domain is doable? Does doing something like this on Reclaim, or elswhere, get at the questions of web literacy in some meaningul ways for you and your students? I think the storage and management of space is one good one. Or what you sacrifice when you go for free storage, etc.

    Thanks for the review, we appreciate your honest feedback, and as you’ll soon see we take it to heart.

    1. Rebecca - @rjhogue Avatar
      Rebecca – @rjhogue

      Hi Jim,
      I really think it depends on the goal of the course. In my case, I was dealing with teacher education (or educator education), so in many cases I think the technical aspects may be too technical – there is so much to digital literacy, a single course just cannot handle it all. Also, the type of people – the just aren’t interested in learning what it takes to host themselves. They are happy to accept free for what they get with it. However, in a class of 30 there are probably 3 or 4 where it would be worth it – as it would be a more advanced challenge. Perhaps I might be tempted to do it that way, give students three options – static website like, hosted blog like, and then self-hosted website at reclaim. Student could then decided which best aligned with the level of challenge / learning they want, but also which best aligned with their educational goals. Having a mix of experiences within the same class would allow learning from each others experiences too.
      Thanks for asking the question, as it otherwise would not have occurred to me to form the assignment that way 🙂

  4. Tim Owens Avatar

    Hi Rebecca,

    I appreciate your feedback and I think your comments regarding space are completely fair. It’s something that we’ve struggled with, primarily because we’re in a market where other hosts make a lot of promises for “Unlimited space” (with plenty of fine print, poor support, and quite a bit more than $25/year). The storage limitation is in part financial (good server-level hard drives come at an expense and many other cheap hosts will stick desktop-grade drives in a server that are slow and risk failing and taking your data with it) but also in part a concern of growth and not wanting individual accounts to overwhelm a server reducing the resources available to others. One way we’re thinking about getting at this is something you mentioned: the backups that Installatron does automatically for software are currently stored in the user’s account and reduce the amount available from your quota. We already have really great backup solution that takes snapshots of everything in your account and stores them on a separate server (more about that here: but I think the next logical step for us is to build in a way for Installatron to also store the backups in way that doesn’t contribute to the overall account and that’s something I intend to work on.

    You’re also completely right that the response to your question on space should not have been “pay more” without offering better alternatives like you’ve outlined here in this post. I completely apologize for that. We want to do a better job of supporting everyone and we never want to find ourselves in a situation where there’s a constant “upsell” (that was always my personal criticism of hosts like Godaddy and Bluehost, it’s one of many reasons we started Reclaim). We’ll do better and as we grow I have no doubt we’ll continue to be able to offer better services and expand in way that works for everyone. Thank you again for the feedback as well as the great information in this post you’ve written for others!

  5. Maha Bali Avatar

    Thanks for this Rebecca. I am on reclaim as well but did not realize there was a clear space limit (in the fine print?). I don,t use many photos on my blog (but want to use your tip – could u give a bit more detail as to how that would work? You’d link to the flickr photo instead of uploading it to wordpress?) but i was trying to upload photos elsewhere (not on my blog) on my domain, so now i realize maybe i should NOT be doing that! Better to pay for dropbox space, probably!

    1. Rebecca - @rjhogue Avatar
      Rebecca – @rjhogue

      I had you in mind when I was writing the post! The trick is to use a service like Flickr or Smugmug that creates the “embed” code for you. So, I upload my photos to Smugmug and choose “share”, then select the “embed” option and select the size of photo I want to embed (usually medium). I can then just paste that into “text” mode in WordPress. My picture still shows up embedded into the post, but isn’t stored locally on WordPress. Is that enough detail? Unfortunately, I don’t use Flickr. I don’t know if Dropbox is the best choice – although it lets you like, it doesn’t give you the nice gallery options for when you want to show multiple photos like –

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