What digital literacies do physicians need? #ccme14

2 responses

  1. AnneMarie Cunningham (@amcunningham) Avatar

    Hello Rebecca
    Thanks for the great summary of our session! we’re doing a lot of thinking about digital literacies too so I hope we get a chance to catch up about this. I thought you might be interested in this post (well in the comments really!) I wrote in 2009 on digital ‘competency’ http://wishfulthinkinginmedicaleducation.blogspot.ca/2009/04/are-you-digitially-competent-doctor-do.html

    With regard to YouTube and Google .. I put them together as YouTube needs a google profile now and one of the best uses of google plus is hangouts on air which are streamed and archived in YouTube. But I obviously didn’t do a good job of explaining the link:)

    Oh and a sccopit page on ‘developing digital presence; http://www.scoop.it/t/developing-your-digital-presence

    Thanks again

    1. Rebecca Avatar

      Thanks for your comment AnneMarie. I find myself wondering, “what are the minimum digital literacies every physician educator should have”? I appreciate that digital literacy is not the core practice of a physician. However, there are certain literacies that make practice (and teaching) more effective (and more efficient), and there are some that I think every professional needs (e.g. managing digital identity).

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