I am a co-founder and co-director of Virtually Connecting (http://virtuallyconnecting.org). Virtually Connecting is a little open online movement (LOOM) that aspires to facilitate online hallway conversations between academic conference attendees and those who are unable to attend. We practice intentional equitable hospitality.
As part of my work with Virtually Connecting, I have coauthored the following papers, blogposts, and conference presentations:
Bali, M., Caines, A., Hogue, R.J., DeWaard, H., Friedrich, C. (2019, May). Intentionally Equitable Hospitality in Hybrid Video Dialogue: The context of virtually connecting. eLearn Magazine. Retrieved from https://elearnmag.acm.org/archive.cfm?aid=3331173
Bali, M., Beckingham, S., Zamora, M., Caines, A., Hogue, R., Weller, M. (April 2017) Breaking the Physical Conference Barrier: Virtually Connecting as an approach to open and inclusive conferences. Presented at OER17, London, United Kingdom.
Bali, M., Caines, A., DeWaard, H., & Hogue, R. (2016, December). Ethos and Practice of a Connected Learning Movement: Interpreting Virtually Connecting Through Alignment with Theory and Survey Results. Online Learning Journal, 20(4). Pp. 212-229. Open access article provided by publisher
Zamora, M., Levine, A., Rhen, A., Bali, M., Hogue, R., Caines, A., Aboulmagd, N. (October 2016) Virtually Connecting as a Model for Transformative Learning. Presented at Digital Media and Learning, University of California, Irvine.
Bali, M., Hogue, R., Caines, A. (October, 2016) Virtually Connecting Fishbowl. Presented at OpenEd, Richmond, VA.Caines, A., Bali, M., Hogue, R., Hammershaimb, L. (May, 2016). Networking Through Conversation: Using Community to Overcome Barriers to Connection. Presented at Transformative Teaching through Technology, St. Norbert University, DePere, WI.
Hogue, R., Bali, M., Caines, A., Levine, A., Koutropoulos, A., Kilgore, W., Rehn, A. (April, 2016). Meeting the Potential of Hybridity: Access, Equity, and Inclusion. Presented at OLC Innovate, New Orleans, LA.
Caines, A., Bali, M., Hogue, R., Hammershaimb, L. (May, 2016). Networking Through Conversation: Using Community to Overcome Barriers to Connection. Presented at Transformative Teaching through Technology, St. Norbert University, DePere, WI.
Caines, A.,Levine, A.,Bali, M., Hogue, R., Koutropoulos, A., Kilgore, W. (April, 2016). Fishbowl: So What is Virtually Connecting All About Anyways? Presented at OLC Innovate, New Orleans, LA.
Kilgore, W., Bali, M., Hogue, R.J. (2015, October). Information Session. The Virtual Conference Attendee: A new model for participation. Online Learning Consortium International Conference. Orlando, Florida, USA.
Bali, M., Hogue, R.J., Kilgore, W., Caines, A. (October, 2015). Almost There – Virtually Connecting: How Friends Changed the Virtual Conference Experience. Presented at Digital Learning Research Network, Stanford, CA.
Bali, M. & Hogue, R.J. (October 13, 2015). 6 Steps to expanding a successful online initiative – Virtually Connecting. ProfHacker.
Hogue, R. J., & Bali, M. (2015, September). Expanding and Extending Conversations at #altc via @vconnecting. #ALTC blog.
Bali, M. & Hogue, R.J. (May 8, 2015). Virtual, hybrid, or present? The #et4buddy conference experiment. Hybrid Pedagogy.
Hogue, R.J., Bali, M. (2015, May 8). Virtual, Hybrid, or Present? The #et4buddy Conference Experience. Hybrid Pedagogy. Available at: http://www.hybridpedagogy.com/columns/featured/virtual-hybrid-or-present/